OffKai Expo

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Information can and will be updated over time! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask in our Discord server or email us at

Registration & Badges

How can I upgrade my badge to a higher tier?
On the registration website, you can navigate to the Modify Registration menu on the Event Registration tab, then select the Change button and choose from available tickets to try and upgrade. Please note that if the limited stock of a higher tier badge runs out, you will not be able to upgrade to that tier.

Can I refund my badge?
Refunds or badge transfers can be requested up until a month before the convention and issued on a case by case basis. Please contact if you need any help.

Will weekend badges sell out? If so, when?
It is possible for our weekend badges to sell out, but we do not yet know if, when or how fast. Please note that our badge sale limit is based on the capacity of rooms we have rented across our venues, not the capacity of the venues themselves or their public areas such as hallways, after accounting for staff, guest, vendor, and other non-standard badges. If we begin nearing capacity, we will make an announcement well in advance through our social media.

Can I transfer my badge to a friend?
Yes, badges can be transferred between accounts with active registrations in ConCat. First, you will navigate to “Register for OffKai Expo” in the Attendance tab, then click the three dots above “Modify Registration” and select “Transfer Registration”. Then you follow the instructions on the prompt, adding the recipient’s email used for registration in ConCat and entering your ConCat password to verify the transfer. This action is permanent, so make sure all information entered is correct before you proceed. If you are attempting to transfer a badge tier that is out of stock, please contact us for additional assistance.

Hotel Booking

What are the discounted hotel block rooms?
OffKai is offering hotel block bookings at the Marriott and Hilton with a number of rooms at discounted rates! Please check our Hotel Info page for more information!

Which hotel should I choose?
Both the Marriott and Hilton are attached to the convention center making transportation convenient! If you’re staying solo the Marriott may be your best bet, and with a group either will be a great choice. Please read more here:

What are the cancellation/refund/deposit policies for the discounted hotel block rooms?
Check the individual hotel websites for their terms of conditions!

What happens if the Marriott & Hilton are sold out of hotel rooms?
Don’t panic! Luckily the SJCC has a ton of hotels nearby, and we’re already working with them for more rooms at low prices! Keep an eye on our socials for updates on when our next block will be available!

Venue & Accommodations

What is the San Jose Convention Center?
A much larger event space than our previous held OKE location. It is highly recommended your footware is focused on comfort so you can enjoy the weekend pain free. There will be areas to sit down and rest but with the capacity, but these areas may get full. Please feel free to read more:

What accessibility / ADA accommodations are there for the venue and hotels?
We are currently preparing an Accessibility information page. For the meantime, you may contact the SJCC venue and hotels directly for any concerns. You may also contact with any questions.

Additionally, in support of accessibility and inclusivity, we offer complimentary badges for medical attendants accompanying attendees with disabilities. To request this accommodation, please contact us in advance with a brief description of your needs.

Is there any public transit around the venue and the airport?
We will prepare a graphic and page with information on nearby public transit for the downtown San Jose area by the venue. Please follow our social media for further announcements!

What spaces will OffKai Expo have for the venue this year?
We are making a colored map of the venue event spaces we have rented! Please follow our social media for further announcements!


I’m a VTuber fan who wants my oshi to be featured as a guest. Is there a place to make suggestions?
Yes! Fans interested in making guest suggestions may email their request to

I’m a VTuber/content creator interested in being a guest, is there an application?
In an effort to align more with the practices of traditional fan/anime conventions, this year’s OffKai Expo will not have a formal application process or form for VTubers interested in being guests. VTubers, content creators, and their managers may submit business inquiries and expressions of interest to

There is a VTuber that was a guest last year that I am hoping to see again. Will they be returning?
With the incredible number of talented VTubers out there, we want to ensure that we give more people a chance to shine. While we are extremely grateful to our Gen 3 guests for their presence at our 2024 convention, for Gen 4 we are implementing a new policy of not inviting guests for multiple years in a row. This will ensure that we maintain a healthy variety of VTubers featured at OffKai from year to year. This does not mean guests from previous OffKai conventions will never be able to guest again; Guests from Gen 1 and 2 (2022 & 2023) could be reinvited to Gen 4, Gen 3 guests could be reinvited in Gen 5, and so forth. Previous year’s guests are also still eligible to participate in panels and events.

Is there a certain amount of subscribers/followers that a VTuber/content creator needs to have in order to be considered as a guest?
There is no upper or lower limit to followers, subscribers, or viewers that a VTuber needs to have in order to be considered for invitation. Our team considers a variety of factors, including but not limited to content quality, uniqueness and overall presence and involvement in the VTubing sphere. Overall, OffKai strives to invite a balanced mix of guests from all corners of the community, whether big or small, agency or indie etc.

I am a VTuber/content creator and want to have a meet and greet/robot tour at OffKai, is being a guest the only way to do that?
While we are only able to provide OffKai-run meet and greets and robot tours to selected guests, there are many third party options available for VTubers wishing to participate in these activities. We suggest keeping an eye on #OffKaiGen4 on social media to find potential opportunities!
Please note: While we would like to acknowledge the existence of these options, OffKai takes no responsibility for the operations of these third parties, nor officially endorses any of these groups or the VTubers featured by them.

I am a VTuber/content creator/community member and want to have a panel at OffKai, is being a guest the only way to do that?
Being a guest is not a requirement to participate in an OffKai panel. Please see our programming application for more information on how to become a presenter!

Events & Programming

How can I apply to host a panel or event at OffKai Expo?
To become a presenter and host a panel or community stage event, please apply through the Programming Application form (open between January 5th to February 9th). More information is available on our website here.

What’s the difference between Presenters and Guests?
Presenters are not listed as “Guests”. Presenters additionally will not be featured in meet & greets, character cards, or OffKai social media announcements.

What do presenters get for compensation?
OffKai Expo is able to provide compensation in the form of a weekend badge at no cost to presenters, but cannot provide additional compensation beyond that.

What’s the difference between Panels and Community Stage?
Panels Rooms are where informational content is best highlighted. Whether presenting alone on a topic of interest, or facilitating discussion with a collection of experts, panels serve as a space where one’s expertise is shared to a group of interested people. Panel rooms will be equipped with a projector and microphones for most presentation needs.

The Community Stage is focused on interactive content, where the audience can cheer on, talk to, and interact with their favorite VTubers in specialized events with ATTENDEES in mind. The Community Stage features a designated stage area, in addition to standard panel room equipment.

If your application is accepted, the department of events will work with you to determine where your event will best fit.

Can OffKai Guests from last year (Gen 3, 2024) still apply for a programming event?
Yes! The new Guest policy about no consecutive years Guests (read the above Guests section) only applies for Guest status. A Guest from the prior year (Gen 3, 2024) is still welcome to apply for a programming event to be a presenter for Gen 4, 2025!

Staffing & Volunteer

Do you get paid working for OffKai?
OffKai is an 501(c)3 nonprofit organization ran entirely by volunteers. While we try to provide some kind of compensation, such as comped badges, we do not get paid.

How can I find out more about staffing or on-site volunteering for OffKai?
The best place to go to learn more would be the Staffing, and on-site Volunteering webpages! We also have a list of department and role descriptions on the website.

What kind of compensation do staff/on-site volunteers get?
Currently we can provide staff and on-site volunteers that works for a certain number of hours a comped full weekend badge. We are working to add more, and will inform staff and on-site volunteers when they are confirmed.

What’s the difference between Staff, Volunteers, and On-site Volunteers?
OffKai is made possible by its Staff and On-site Volunteers. Staff members contribute to OffKai’s year-round planning and development, ensuring the event’s success. On-site Volunteers provide crucial assistance during the convention, helping with various operational needs. Although all contributors to OffKai are volunteers in our volunteer-led organization, using distinct terms helps differentiate their roles and responsibilities.

Why does the Staffing application say it’s the Volunteer application?
Our Staffing and Volunteer Applications are combined into one form. Currently we are hiring for Staff and will aim to hire on-site volunteers in the 1-2 months close to the convention. If you would like to apply as Staff, please mention so in the last text field “Anything Else”.

Vendors, Artist Hall and Exhibits

What is the difference between Vendor Hall, Artist Alley and Industry Exhibit?
Our vendors and artist alley will be in one big room, called Vendor & Artist Hall (formerly known as Vendor Hall)! Featured vendors will sell their art and merchandise at the many tables and booths in the room.
Industry Exhibit Hall is a hall showcasing companies in the VTuber industry and related merchandise. Many of the booths will host at-booth Meet and Greet’s!

What is Yabai Market?
Yabai Market (formerly known as Night Market at Gen 3) is a NSFW / 18+ artist alley and vendor market. From adult art to adult toys you’ll be sure to find something to bring home tonight 😉

Is there a dress-code for the Yabai Market?
Come as you are and if you cosplay be sure to abide by the con rules. No free willies and nippies please 🙏 Check the Attendee Code of Conduct for more information on dress code.

What is Yabai?
A Japanese slang term that’s kind of a catch all depending on the situation. In this context it’s used by many Vtubers when something risque or perverted happens.

Party Floor

When will Party Floor applications open?
Party floor applications are open! You can apply here.

Where will the Party Floor be?
The 4th floor of the Marriott.

Do I need a reservation at the Marriott in order to run a party?
It is highly recommended to have a reservation at the Marriott. If you do not we may be able to secure a new reservation for you, but this is not guaranteed.

If I submit a party floor application am I guaranteed a spot?
Depending on the level of demand we may not be able to guarantee a spot for you. Please see our Party Floor Guidelines for a list of things we are looking for from applicants to maximize your chances.

If my application is approved, how will I get my new hotel reservation?
If approved, we will reach out to you via e-mail or Discord to transfer your existing Marriott reservation to the party floor. If you do not have a Marriot reservation, you will need to cancel it and we will work with you set up a new one.

When will we know if our application has been approved?
Approved party rooms will be notified by mid-March.